

Hello Everyone!!!

A new school year has just ended!!!

I hope you are all having a fantastic summer! It’s the perfect time to relax, have fun, and try new things. Whether you’re spending your days at the beach, at the park, or even at home, I’m sure you’re making lots of happy memories.

Summer is great for so many reasons. The days are longer, the sun is shining, and there’s no school! But remember, learning doesn’t have to stop just because school is out. You can learn new things every day, even in the summer. Try reading a new book, drawing a picture, or even learning to cook a simple meal. You’d be surprised at how much fun learning can be when you’re doing something you enjoy.

I hope you’re spending lots of time outside. It’s so important to get fresh air and sunshine. You can play games, ride your bike, or even have a picnic with your family. Just don’t forget to wear sunscreen and drink lots of water!

If you’re feeling creative, summer is a great time to start a new hobby. Maybe you can start a journal and write about your adventures, or you can try painting, making crafts, or even gardening. There are so many things you can do!

Remember to also stay connected with your friends. Maybe you can have a video call, write letters to each other, or plan a playdate. Friends are a big part of what makes summer so special.

I can’t wait to hear all about your summer adventures when school starts again. Have a wonderful time, be safe, and most importantly, have fun! See you soon!

Best wishes.

Now, You are about to enjoy watching and singing this catchy song for your wonderful summer holidays!!!

Let´s sing it now!!!


I'm very proud of each and every one of my students.

Now, you deserve a resting and relaxing time for your favourite season of the year.

But remember to go over
a little bit your English subject this summer
wherever you are.

Move the mouse over the picture