Hi There!!!
How is it going?
Here below, yoy have got the main vocabulary of the unit 1.
This vocabulary is very important for your
english vocabulary test.
You need to study the words by heart in english and their meanings in spanish language.
Thanks a bunch!!!
places = lugares
hello = hola
good bye = adiós
school = colegio
friend = amigo
teacher = maestro
classmate = compañero de clase
student = estudiante
café = cafetería
garden = jardín
allotment = huerto
hall = salón de actos, auditorio
gym = gimnasio
arts and crafts room = aula de manualidades
computer room = aula de informática
library = biblioteca
science lab = laboratorio
toilet = aseo
dinning room = comedor
sports field = campo de deportes
entrance = entrada principal
playground = recreo
swimming pool = piscina
picture = cuadro, imagen
draw = dibujar
paint = pintar
read = leer
write = escribir
have hot chocolate = tomar un chocolate
ice cream = helado
next to = al lado de
opposite = enfrente de
between = entre
type = clase, tipo
book = libro
fairy tale = cuento de hadas
poetry = poesía
mystery = misterio
science fiction = ciencia ficción
comic strip = tira cómica, tebeo
biography = biografía
legends = leyendas
adventure stories = historias de aventuras
amazing = alucionante
interesting = interesante
funny = divertido
boring = aburrido
This science book is interesting.
This mystery book is boring.
Monday = lunes
Tuesday = martes
Wednesday = miércoles
Thursday = jueves
Friday = viernes
Saturday = sábado
Sunday = domingo
Click H E R E to practice days of the week quiz.
There is = Hay
There isn't = No hay
There is a library in my school.
(Hay una biblioteca en mi colegio)
There isn't a gym in my school.
(No hay un gimnasio en mi colegioI)
Remember to study NUMBERS
from 1 to 20