Hi There!!!
How is it going?
Here below, yoy have got the main vocabulary of the unit 2.
This vocabulary is very important for your
english vocabulary test.
You need to study the words by heart in english and their meanings in spanish language.
Thanks a bunch!!!
COOKING = cocinar
GARDENING = jardinería
DANCING = baile
DRAMA = arte dramático
AEROBICS = ejercicios aeróbicos
PHOTOGRAPHY = fotografía
CODING = programación
WANT TO = querer
TRY = intentar
BELT = cinturón
GI = kimono
APRON = delantal
WELLIES = botas de agua
HELMET = casco
TRACKSUIT = chándal
TRAINERS = zapatillas deportivas
WETSUIT = traje de buzo, de neopreno
SWIMSUIT = traje de baño
GLOVES = guantes
START = empezar
FINISH = terminar, acabar
PHOTOS = fotos
BALLET = danza
SHOES = zapatos
UNDERSTAND = entender
STRANGE = extraño
FIND = encontrar
WEAR = vestir, llevar puesto
BRING = traer
SOLVE = resolver
SPORTY = deportista
CREATIVE = creativo
TECHNOLOGY = tecnología
SWIMMING = natación
RUNNING = correr, jogging
STREET = calle
MARTIAL ART = arte marcial
EXTREME SPORT = deporte extremo
TIMETABLE = horario
My cooking class starts at nine o'clock
My cooking class finishes at half past ten
Remember to study NUMBERS
from 1 to 100
Now, after studying the vocabulary for your English vocabulary test, you ara allowed to take the following quiz.
Just read the question and choose the right meaning in spanish languge.