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It's time to read the following story about a boy who wants to be a doctor when he is older.

This is a reading comprehension activity to improve the reading and writing skills in english language.

Sam's Dream

"A Journey to Healing"

    In a lively town, there lives a boy named Sam. Sam lives with his family in a cosy house. He always wants to be a doctor because he likes helping people feel better.

    One day, Sam tells his parents, "When I grow up, I'm going to be a doctor! I want to help people and make them smile again."

    His parents smile and say, "That's a great idea, Sam. You'll be a fantastic doctor."

    Sam spends his time reading books about the body and watching medical shows. He also helps neighbours when they are sick or need company.

    As Sam gets older, he works hard in school, especially in science and biology. He learns about the body and how to help people who are sick or hurt.

    Sometimes, Sam helps elderly neighbours by running errands or just talking to them. He likes listening to their stories and learning from them.

    One day, Sam finds a lady who has hurt her ankle. He helps her and makes sure she is okay. Word spreads about Sam's kindness, and people come to him for help when they need it.

    Years pass, and Sam never gives up on his dream of becoming a doctor. He studies hard and wins awards for helping others.

    Finally, Sam becomes a doctor. He wears a white coat and helps patients every day. He knows he is making a difference and is happy to help people feel better.

    And so, that's the story of Sam – a boy who becomes a doctor to help others. His journey shows that with hard work and kindness, dreams can come true.




1) What is the name of the boy in the story?

2) What does Sam want to be when he grows up?

3) Why does Sam want to be a doctor?

4) What does Sam do to help his neighbours?

5) What subjects does Sam work hard in at school?

6) What kind of shows does Sam watch on TV?

7) Can you describe one task that Sam does to help his elderly neighbours?

8) What happens when Sam finds a lady who has hurt her ankle?

9) What does Sam wear when he becomes a doctor?

10) What is the main message of Sam's story?