

Hi there!!!

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It's time to read the following story about a boy named Tommy.

This is a reading comprehension activity to improve the reading and writing skills in english language.


   Once upon a time, during a bright and sunny summer day, there was a cheerful boy named Tommy. Tommy was excited because his family was going to spend the day at the beach. He loved the beach because it was always full of fun and adventure.

As soon as they arrived, Tommy could feel the warm sand beneath his feet. He kicked off his shoes and ran towards the water, feeling the cool breeze on his face. The sky was a beautiful shade of blue, with fluffy clouds floating lazily above.

Tommy's family spread out their colourful beach towels and set up a big umbrella to provide shade from the sun. Tommy's little sister, Lily, immediately started building a sandcastle with her bucket and spade. Tommy decided to join her and together they built the biggest sandcastle they had ever seen. They added seashells and seaweed to decorate it, making it look like a magical castle from a storybook.

After building the sandcastle, Tommy and Lily went for a walk along the shore. They searched for seashells and colourful rocks, giggling and laughing as they discovered treasures hidden in the sand. Tommy found a shiny seashell that he decided to keep as a souvenir of their beach adventure.

As they walked, Tommy spotted a group of children playing beach volleyball. He asked his parents if he could join in, and they happily agreed. Tommy ran towards the group and soon found himself diving and jumping to hit the ball over the net. It was so much fun, and he made new friends while playing.

After playing volleyball, Tommy felt hungry. His mum had packed a picnic basket full of delicious sandwiches, fruits, and snacks. They spread out a picnic blanket on the sand and enjoyed a tasty lunch together. Tommy's favourite part was the juicy watermelon slices that cooled him down in the hot sun.

After lunch, Tommy and Lily begged their parents to let them go for a swim in the sparkling blue sea. They put on their colourful swimsuits and splashed into the cool water, feeling refreshed and happy. Tommy loved swimming and diving through the waves, pretending to be a brave pirate searching for treasure.

As the afternoon wore on, Tommy and his family enjoyed building sandcastles, playing games, and soaking up the warm sunshine. They flew a colourful kite in the breeze and collected seashells to take home as souvenirs of their wonderful day at the beach.

As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the horizon, Tommy and his family gathered their belongings and said goodbye to the beach. They walked back to their car, tired but happy after a day filled with laughter, adventure, and fun.

As they drove home, Tommy looked out of the window at the fading sunlight and smiled. He knew that he would always cherish the memories of their special day at the beach, and he couldn't wait to come back again soon.




1) Who is the main character in the story?

2) Why was Tommy excited at the beginning of the story?

3) What did Tommy and Lily build together at the beach?

4) Describe the activities Tommy enjoyed with his family at the beach.

5) How did Tommy feel after playing beach volleyball with the other children?

6) What did Tommy's mum pack for their picnic lunch?

7) What was Tommy's favourite part of the picnic lunch?

8) What did Tommy and Lily do after lunch?

9) How did Tommy pretend to be while swimming in the sea?

10) How did Tommy feel at the end of the day?