
4th Grade Primary - Unit 3: AROUND THE TOWN

Hello Everyone!


Now, it´s time to learn a new vocabulary about
our TOWN or CITY.

Do you know what you can buy in every
shop in your town?

In the exercise below, you´ll be able to
do the following exercise.


grammar explanation with countable nouns.

<<< H E R E >>>

Click on the picture below to do this self-assessment exercise.


Now, you can check out the story of this unit.
Click on the picture below.


Let´s practise more!!!
Let´s play the game below.



If you are interested in some grammar and vocabulary exercises

where you could go over the contents explained to you in this

Unit 3.

Click on the picture below!!!

3rd Grade Primary - Unit 3: "SPORTS STAR"

Hello Everyone!!!
Here below, there is an activity to learn a basic  vocabulary about sports that you can try in your free time.

Click on the picture to watch and listen to the story.

Click on the picture below to take this exercise very useful for you about writing and listening skills.

How often do you do exercise in a week?
Once, twice, three times or more.

These are some useful exercises for you to keep you healthy, fit, strong, concentrate, and even, sleep well at night.

These workouts are very easy. You can try them at home or

at school.

Enjoy doing exercise every day!!!

Click on the next picture to learn how to talk about ability using the verb "To Can".

Now, the exercise below is very important for you.
This is about cardinal numbers in english.

You could do it with your tablet or mobile too.

Click on the picture below
to print some documents to reinforce
concepts and vocabulary
of this

Unit 3.

2nd Grade Primary - Unit 3: "WHERE´S MY COAT?!

Hello Children!!!

We are going to learn new vocabulary about different kinds of clothes that we usually wear every day; and the seasons of the year.

Here below, Let´s watch this video

to introduce the vocabulary.

Would you like to check out the story?

Just, click on the picture below to link.

Another awesome activity about clothes and the weather.


Would you like to learn a song about
the seasons of a year?

Click on the picture below, and enjoy!!!

Now, it´s time for you
to take the next quiz.

Another interesting exercise for you.
